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Step 1:

Open and Place Your Hand Inside.

Detach the pins (if necessary), then pull the zip open and place your hand inside of POCKETLOCKER.

Step 2:

Place Your Hand Into Your Pocket.

Move it around until you fill POCKETLOCKER into all of the corners of your pocket. Ensure the corners closest to the entry of the pocket are the most snug.

Step 3:

Attach to the Pocket.

Using the pins, attach POCKETLOCKER to the pocket along the hem, directly above and below the zip.

The easiest way to do this is to turn your garment inside out.

Find the hem through the fabric and pinch it together. Then pierce the pin through the layers of the fabric and POCKETLOCKER and secure it.

Depending on the type of pocket you have, you can also pin POCKETLOCKER from inside the pocket.


Secured in Place.

Once it's secured in place, it should look just like this.